About Us

“Shisyomarohan” is a voluntary learning group mainly consists of librarians of Kyoto Prefectural Library.
Since June 2013, we have organized following activities.

– Creating Open Data
[Data on books about Kyoto]
We have published informations about literatures related to Kyoto, e.g. novels, comics, “light novel”(Young-adult fictions) as open data. The data includes name and location(longitude/latitude) of spot in those stories, recommend score, URI of “Web NDL Authorities” for reference to author.
A smartphone application utilizing this data is also provided.


[Kyoto reference map: questions about Kyoto solved by librarians]
We have picked up reference cases related to Kyoto from Collaborative Reference Database run by The National Diet Library.
Published open data includes questions, URL link to Collaborative Reference Database, location information related to the case and URI of DBPedia.


– Cooperation to Wikipedia Town
We organize event “Kyoto Town Walk Open Data-thon” in collaboration with Open Data Kyoto Activists.
The town walk event activity includes “Wikipedia Town” – Wikipedia editing or picture uploading by town residents -, and editing OpenStreetMap, a freely editable/referable map.
We librarians take part in the event as a tutor for referring local information, or provider of documents useful for Wikipedia compilation.

